Friday, September 29, 2006

You Are Bud Light
You're not fussy when it comes to beer. If someone hands it to you, you'll drink it.In fact, you don't understand beer snobbery at all. It all tastes the same once you're drunk!You're an enthusiastic drinker, and you can often be found at your neighborhood bar.You're pretty good at holding your liquor too - you've had lots of experience.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Blogging Fad

I do believe the blogging fad has passed. Well, at least in our little circle it seems to have passed. Neither myself, or my hommies (aside from A-Train) seem to have to energy to blog any longer. However, I am willing to bet that business will pick up in a few weeks when everyone starts having homework to do, and are looking for a necessary diversion to keep from working. Ah, chronic procrastination how I pine for you. Anyway here are a few things that are irritating me lately.
  • The Wrap. This is the section of English 1302 I teach at a local technical school. Instead of having a normal class schedule I am teaching a class that has an extra day of class added. For example instead of teaching a normal schedule of say Thursday/Friday 6-8 I teach a schedule of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8-10 and 9-10 pm. That extra day of commuting/teaching is a killer.
  • Inane class discussions that seemingly never end and have no clear focus or point. This used be a rare occurance but it has been creeping into my graduate courses more and more often. This makes the classes seem like they last for nine hours, and I hate when we read a ton of theory in class but make no attempt to apply it a reading/readings. I see no point in reading theory without learning to apply it.
  • ECollege. I hate ECollege. My university will not schedule a training schedule that will fit into my schedule. Add this to the fact that ECollege sucks ass anyway and I am pretty bitter about having to put up with this bull shite. I did create a blog for my class and I am having students log and post a la 506. It is going pretty well so far especially considering that it is English 102 students posting.
  • Cancer. I think if I went the rest of my life without hearing that word it would be fine with me.
  • Social Security. I got a letter today stating that I have paid like 2000 dollars into social security which is news to me. I don't remember having a job in which I paid social security. I have always paid into a 401k or a pension plan. I really need to find a job and start planning for my retirement. I find it hard to consider living to 65. I would only be the second man in my family to live that long. Let's just say the men in my family live a hard life, and that drinking, gambling, etc. is not conducive to a long life.
  • Poop. I really have no problem with Poop. I just wanted to add the word "Poop" to my blog. Poop. Say it with me...POOP.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Check out the link to on the right. The sight is awesome. You chose, rate, and add music to your own personal radio station. You may want to also check out some of the awesome music I listen to the right. It is Awesome.

Be Cool, Kids.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I am tired of cancer and tumors. I think in the next 8 months I am going to be really tired of Chemotherapy too.

My mom's surgery went well yesterday but we got some bad news. The growth or mass was not the result of surgical scar tissue, or mishealing surgery. It was an inflamed lymph node. The cancer has spread to her lymphatic system. That is a major blow. Before my mom was thought to be cancer free. Now she has a very invasive and aggressive form of cancer. She has been retyped from a Stage 1a to a 2b or 3a in the level of risk. It sucks to hear a doctor tell your mother that without chemotherapy it is almost certain that she will die from metatastic cancer. Before was chemotherapy was an option now she will have to do the intensive regiment of chemo. 8 treatments over 24 weeks and it will be the nausea/hair loss type.

Last night I slept next to my mother for the first time since I was like 5 or 6 because she did not want to be alone. We watched the Cowboys/Vikings game and cursed Vanderjackass. We prayed for healing which I will continue to do indefinitely as I definitely believe in the power of prayer. It worked with Crystal so hopefully it will work with her. Today, however, she woke up high spirited and ready for the fight which is a good sign. Her, my brother JoJo, and I were drinking coffee at 4:30 this morning because none of us could sleep. It times like this that make me feel like I am a helpless child. I would do almost anything in the world to fix or heal my mother. I have said this before but I think cancer is harded on the people you love as opposed to the person with the cancer because you feel so helpless. I would gladly take the cancer if I could. Sucks my ass that I can't.

My anxiety level was already way in the red with the whole "teaching four classes a hundred miles apart while taking 9 graduate hours" thing but now the anxiety level has gone nuclear. I will keep you posted.