Sunday, March 26, 2006

My love of Texas versus my love for a woman.

A tragic event occurred yesterday which really alerted me a serious change in my life. Yesterday I was hanging out with my girl, and watching a Pride and Prejudice (a make up movie for me making her watch every action and sophomoric comedy that comes out). Anyway so I am hanging out, and a friend called me to invite me over to party, and hang out. In passing he casually mentioned that Texas had lost in the Tourney to LSU (70-60 in OT) earlier in the day. Just for the record I said in an earlier post that Texas would lose to WVU while going 3-17 from the 3 point land but they won despite going 5-19 from 3 pt land on the good interior play of LaMarcus Aldridge and PJ Tucker and a savvy three pointer by Kenton Paulino.

However here is the crux of my problem: I totally forgot that they were even playing yesterday because I was kicking it with the woman. To say that I am pretty big Texas homer is a pretty big understatement. I once attacked an acquaintance for gloating a little too long over a 63-14 drubbing of the Horns at the hands of the arch nemesis Sooners. By "attack" I don't mean I yelled at him angrily and verbally chastised him for his hurtful and insensitive remarks. By "attack" I mean I launched a full and unopened beer can going about 75 mph toward his head/facial area which opened a large gash on his forehead then proceeded to kick him in and around in the crotchal area, and then began to punch/kick him in the face repeatedly before being restrained. Hey I don't claim that it was right or even sane. It is what it is, and you don't talk about my Horns.

Anyway, back to the point. Yesterday I was enjoying the day with my chick and I did not even realize the Horns were playing. That never happens. I never miss a Horns game if possible. Sometimes they are not televised in Dallas or they are playing a patsy so I only watch a portion, but I never miss a big game. I even considered trying to scalp tickets to the tourney game in Dallas to try to pick fights with opposing fans (yes I am a hooligan and yes I am ok with this). I know this sounds contradictory to every thing said in this post but I think I may have a reached a new level of maturity here. It is not the fact that I forgot about the game but that I do not really even care that I missed it. I would have rather spent the day with my girl (even if it means watching a chick flick and actually talking to her) than drinking and watching the Horns. I can't decide if this realization is crushing or merely just disconcerting but it does reassure me that I am making a good decision to marry the girl. I must really care about her if missing Texas games does not faze me all that much anymore. I will be a mad motherfucker, however, when missing the game entails an exciting trip to Home Depot/Bed Bath and Beyond or other such store of crapulence, that others have mentioned in their blogs recently so maybe I should just run like Hell now while I stil have the chance.

Just for the record I think we have a date set for the wedding (June 15th-ish roughly depending on where we decide to hold the wedding). We also know way too many fucking people. We are going to have invite roughly 200 people to this damn thing. I think I am going to lobby for our running off to Jamaica and getting married with our parents and close friends on the beach. I can't imagine having to stand around at a reception and actually trying to mingle with these damn people. What a killer that is going to be.

For those keeping track: I finished the revisions on the first two chapters of my thesis today. Once the last chapter and conclusion are returned to me tomorrow I will have those done too, and my thesis will be complete aside for the last revisions before submitting it to the grad school after my defense which is tentatively scheduled for April 5th. I better graduate this damn semester or I will freaking go crazy.


At 7:23 PM , Blogger Andi said...

Definitely a new level of maturity. And based on what friends have told me, definitely run off to Jamaica. Have a party when you get back...presents you know.

At 8:32 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

I feel like I should be quoting the lyrics to some cheesy love song right now . . . except that I don't know any. My wife accused me yesterday of "false advertising" because she claims I was a romantic when we first met. In response, I accused her of "false advertising" because she wasn't pregnant when we first hooked up. She didn't think that was funny, but I did. I rule.

At 9:02 PM , Blogger Super T said...

I have to admit I laughed my ass to the "false advertising." I know I shouldn't but I did.


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