Thursday, March 02, 2006

Well I think it is has finally happened. I wasn't sure it could, but I have seen it with my own eyes. THE NFL HAS FINALLY FUCKED THE AMERICA PUBLIC TO DEATH. America is a barren wasteland of raw assholes, and bitter men my friends, and to quote Gunnery sergeant Hartman (R. Lee Ermey) in Full Metal Jacket "they (NFL Owners and Players) are the kinds of dirty sons of bitches that would fuck a man right in the ass and not have the common courtesy to give a man a reach around." I thought the league could not get any worse after that horseshit debacle of a rank fuckery and nefarious debauchery that they labeled the "Super Bowl." I mean everyone in America watched that game and knew that the fix was in. I guarantee that at least two of the refs made a ton of money betting on that game. I cannot prove it right now but I am investigating and when I find out if they bet I will try to destroy the NFL with it if I can.

With America's butt still raw and recuperating they have the audacity to have a group of spoiled millionaires arguing over who should the most millions, and threatening to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. What a bunch of fucking assholes. I have heard that they are arguing over like 4% which equals roughly 300 million dollars and that the big hurdle is revenue sharing on things like stadium naming rights, and local marketing revenue. I SAY FUCK THAT. 300 million dollars? The spoiled fucking brats (Owners and Players) should have to work and play respectively for whatever the national average minimum teachers salary is, and donate the rest to charity. That would solve the problem. I don't care about injuries, or any of that shit. You do not want a blown up ACL get a regular job. If you love the game and want to take a chance playing take the chance and play. The game would better anyway.


At 12:18 AM , Blogger Jeremy said...

There's probably going to be even more dumping of veterans and their salaries because of the inability to reach a deal. I guess when you've got such a big fucking pie to eat, even a little piece is pretty substantial.

But hopefully they can iron this out soon; until then, it's baseball spring training, basketball, and cars turning left to keep me occupied.

At 12:19 AM , Blogger Jeremy said...

Good luck at province, by the way.


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