Monday, February 20, 2006

You know what I hate? Crybabies. People who lose and then bitch. I can't stand it. I don't gloat when I win and I don't cry when I lose. I play poker alot, and I am a pretty good player not great but pretty good. My grandfather ran a poker game in Ft. Worth for 43 years. I grew up running errands for him and the other players, and began playing way before poker was fashionable. I play middle hands alot like K-8, K-7 especially if they are suited, depending on the position, stack etc. I feel you can not sit around and wait for AA or AK and then try to win. If people know you play tight they will fold so you have to pick your spots and play loose enough that people can't get a read on you. Anyway I am digressing here. I am not a poker guru or anything, but what I hate is when you play and people get beat and they try to lecture you about how they are such a great player and you are such a piece of crap.

Typical outburst: 'HOW COULD YOU CALL THAT RAISE WITH POCKET KINGS?!? I WENT ALL IN! YOU SHOULD HAVE FOLDED AND GIVEN ME YOUR MONEY! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO WIN!" Half of poker is gamble: that feeling you get in your stomach when you know you have the cards or not. You can have pocket rockets go all in and get your ass handed to you with 9 2 offsuit. Its poker. I cannot stand when people sit there and bitch about how terrible a beat it was. Sometimes it just ain't your fucking day. Say oh well shake everyone's hands, say good luck, walk away and get ready for tomorrow. NO body wins them all. I swear sportsmanship is fucking dead in this country and guys like Phil Helmuth and Josh Arieh have killed it. The crybaby douche bags. People need to have the class and self respect to not embarass themselves after a beat especially the bad ones.


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