Monday, February 20, 2006

INTRODUCTIONS I titled this blog Lost in Space because that is how I feel most of the time. I also like the quote by Anatole France because I also feel that way most of the time. I long for immortality because I simply do not know what to do with my life. I spend most of my time kicking around on a piece of ground in my hometown waiting for someone or something to show me the way (recognize that line?). When asked what I want to do with my life, I think of Peter in Office Space, when he was asked what he would do if he had a million dollars: Nothing. I have often been told that you should try to do what you love and not choose a career for the money, but unfortunately drinking beer does not pay very well. Although I am seeking a career in Academia I am not sure that it is the perfect choice for my career.

Coming from a southern working class background I stick out like a sore thumb amongst these hippies and liberals. I often joke that I have no business teaching English because I barely speak it. The truth of the matter is I like to read and I thought hey it would be cool to be paid to sit around and talk about books. Sounded good in theory, but like all theories the application is much more difficult. Most of the time I feel like I am just floating along with no direction or purpose in life. I have begun to wonder if 26 is too early to suffer a mid life crisis? I think I like to teach until I face the fact that I will be doing this for the next 30 years, and then I am like "MAN FUCK THIS! FUCK THIS! NO WAY DUDE. NO DEAL." The truth is, though, I could be doing anything and I would be like "no fucking way dude." I guess I am just lazy but I really don't want to do shit but play poker, drink beer, and post up. I don't really think I want any job, and I would not work if I did not have to pay any bills. I think work is an unnatural state for humans, and that the uneasiness and hollowness stems from our unnatural state of civilization. I think I would be better off Thoreau-ing it and living in shack hunting for my food. Then I again I hate to be hot and I really like AC so I guess that is out. Maybe it is just that lack of purpose in my life that makes it so hard to deal with, but then I think maybe if I had some answers to life it would help me find the meaning and purpose that would ease the suffering that comes with existence. Ah if only God would throw us a bone, eh? Then again that would be too easy.


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