Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just for the record did anyone in America have George Mason vs Florida, and UCLA vs LSU in the final four?? I mean all four teams. That exploding sound you just heard was the demolition of my bracket at the hands of LSU, UCLA, and George Mason. I had Florida, Michigan State, Texas, and Memphis in the Final Four. I will say this:

Since Texas has lost I am firmly rooting for anyone to beat George Mason.

That is right I do not care who wins as long I don't have to hear five months of Cindarella stories about George Mason's amazing run. If they win we will be hearing about that shit for the next 25 years. I do not think I can stomach that. I simply cannot stand the thought of reading the rancid newspaper headlines that will spawn from this. For example I have already read "Patriot Game" about ten times, along with "Pat-Riot after Upset." Man someone please knock these guys out.

*********Update 3/27 5:17 p.m.*********
1.5 million people played in ESPN's Tournament challege and four (4) picked this final four correctly. It all boils down George Mason. Something like 284 people picked them to win it all. They all must go to GM because no one in their right mind would have picked them to win it all and actually believe that they would win it. What a crock of shit. I say we find these people and stone them to death. Of course now we are all gonna have to listen those dudes who swear they had GM all the way. Of course if you ask them for proof they will not be able to prove it but they will be like "Dude I had them all the way. I am such a Genius." Of course you will think that you have never once in your life put that person's name and genius together in the same sentence but you can not really prove they didn't have GM so you let the lying bastard gloat...while secretly plotting to "accidently" hit them in the balls with a wiffle ball bat at a later date.


At 8:26 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

You gotta give it to George Mason, though. They've been playing some pretty good ball, and I hope they win it all. I think the safe money would be on LSU. They've beaten my Aggies, Duke, and Texas.

At 9:03 PM , Blogger Super T said...

Florida. Man they are playing some really good team ball. I am pulling for them but LSU is playing suffocating defense and have beaten some good teams.

At 12:35 AM , Blogger Poetry Revolutionist said...

I don't watch much basketball (college or NBA), but the overtime finish of the george mason/uconn game was pretty intense. I'm sorry that I hadn't followed the tournament a little more closely.


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