Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Another Day Another Kick to the Groin

This book Literacy and Literacies sucks my arse. I really hate this book. It is a two hundred page bibliographic essay. Those of you who are unfortunate enough to be mired in Academia know what an Ass Whip, with a capital A, a bibliographic essay is. For those of you fortunate enough to have avoided a bib-essay well let me explain what a pain the bib-essay actually is. Some of the following was stolen from the following website: http://www.haverford.edu/library/reference/rkieft/bibess.html

A bibliographic essay is a narrative discussion or a literature review of a topic. It is a "conversation in which someone not only advises you about "what's out there" but shapes that raw material into a coherent survey of the materials available. Like all bibliographies, the bibliographic essay enumerates sources and, like an annotated bibliography, it describes and analyses them; it goes beyond performing these functions, however, to comparing, contrasting, and evaluating the relationships among works. A bibliographic essay thus draws a picture of the literature of a topic, and in so doing, unlike a list and like an essay, it tends to take a position and establish an interpretive point of view."

So basically it is like reading a 200 page "he said she said" essay while telling everyone that the writers before your are wrong, and shooting holes in their theories. It is mucho boring especially when written by a boring dry ass academian who wants to show of how everyone else is so wrong, and how they have the only solution to a problem. Roughly, it is the equivalent of kick to the crotch or corn cob soaked in alcohol shoved into your rectum. Those of you brave enough to feel the need to run right out and read one of these little darlings can save yourself the trouble by shoving a sharpened pencil right into your eye. You would end up in about the same mood, but at least you would have a jaunty eye patch.

Why anybody would want to write an "anthropological" study in the field of literacy is beyond me. More to the point is why anybody would want to read such a wretched book. It really makes me want to drive to New York, and find these two authors kick them in the nuts and ask them "What the fuck where you thinking when you wrote that motherfucker!?! Historical studies are fucking bull shit to read. They may be valuable on some level but not to this kid.

Things to do:

  1. Finish the final draft of my thesis. I have still have to revise the third chapter and the conclusion. A certain director of graduate studies was giving me some shit today because I did not give him a final copy two weeks ago. He was like "it is deparmental protocol to make sure that the director of graduate studies gets his copy two weeks in adavance." I wanted to tell him "motherfucker your lucky anyone is getting this bitch before the defense." Can't say it's bad if you haven't read it, and you can't say I don't deserve to graduate if it is not bad. I know that is my own gorilla logic but what the hell it sounds good in my sleep deprived brain.
  2. Write my log on Literacy and Literacies for class tomorrow. That will have to come between my 9 and 12 o'clock classes tomorrow. It is only one page long so it won't be much of an ass whip. How do you say collegiately that "this book is so bad that I would not wipe my ass with it?" I will have to think about that before tomorrow.
  3. Try to find a way to convince said literacy teacher that it is ok that I will be mising the third day of class this semester on the April 12th because I have a job interview in scenic Lexington, VA. I am still not looking forward to that ass whip of an 153 mile car ride from Greensboro because the employer is a cheap bastard. I wish I did not really want this job or I would tell them to fly me closer. Bummer. Hopefully the other guys I am riding with won't be a drag, or be like "Dude, lets stop and get some beer." Sounds outlandish but they will be a Fraternity brothers, and we all know how that goes. Sad thing is I know me and I would be like "Sounds good to me. The bastards should have flown us closer if they did not want a drunken road trip."

That is all.


At 8:35 AM , Blogger elise said...

I love getting kicked in the gut with school work. That's a good time.

Good luck with the final draft of your thesis.

At 10:46 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

Hopefully, the thesis goes well. I'll be there for your defense, drunk and heckling. About how long do these things generally take?

Concerning school work, I think I am getting the whole enchilada this week, the kick in the crotch, the Sanctuary treatment, and the pencil in the fucking eyeball. Right now, I keep expecting someone to demand that I squeal like a pig. What a fucking week.


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