Friday, June 02, 2006

This man may very well be the basketball Jesus. That moniker was previously reserved for the one and only Larry Bird. Last night he firmly entered into the "Larry Bird Pantheon of Legends." The Diggler may also be the man to deliver us to the promise land. We need to win a championship while we can because it looks like this LeBron kid is going to be something super special next year.

However, last night Dirk poured in 50 points and 12 rebounds. He single handedly propelled the Mavericks to victory. He scored 28 of the Mavs last 42 points, and Charles Barkely said it reminded him of MJ's 63 pointer against the Cavs. That is some mighty high praise from Sir Charles who has had nothing but venom for The Diggler all season. However, Sir Charles is banded from the Maverick bandwagon because we are afraid he would destory the bandwagon buffet. Hey, the man can eat.

MAVS OVER THE SUNS 117-101. Back to Phoenix. Let's hope they can close this thing out, and get ready for the Finals. Bring on the Pistons/Heat.


At 6:28 PM , Blogger elise said...

Surprisingly enough, I have somehow managed to watch 4 Maverick games over the past couple of weeks. Weird, huh?

Perhaps "watch" isn't really the right word, however. My husband and I were on the couch during last night's game, though I must admit that I was mostly reading A Confederacy of Dunces and not so much watching.

At 10:35 AM , Blogger Andi said...

Yay Mavs! There was screaming in my house last night! Off to the finals we gooo.


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