Monday, May 08, 2006

Backing the Bard; or In Defense of Shakespeare

Recently I have felt compelled to to come to the aid of slick Willie. Some of my compadre's have painted a rather unflattering portrait of our Shakespeare class. To be honest this class is not that bad. Trust me it is much better than Naps 1660-1830 I took with another British Lit professor here on campus. Let me say this: The first day of class in Comtemporary British Literature was NOTHING compared to the British Lit 1660-1830 class I took with him before he learned the meaning of the word "discussion."

Said class was labeled Naps 1660-1830 because that was all I did while the professor great length...without letting anyone get a word in edgewise...while droning on in a monotone voice. Suffice to say if we put the so called ass whippery (and this class does provide a great deal of ass whippery) of Shakespeare up against the ass whippery of Naps 1660-1830 the aformentioned Naps course would simply fuck Shakespeare to death. Naps would bend this course over and proceed to violate said course in a manner so unmentionable it would bring tears to yours eyes, and force you to beg to have said Shakespeare course back. It, simply, is no comparison.

It is given that this class has been somewhat of a drag at times because of other "lesser academics" (to steal J's phrase). I don't like the cat who plagiarizes or the high school teachers who are seemingly clueless, or the one of the "three drunk motherfuckers" who seems to talk endlessly about connections to other texts no one has read" (just so other members of the class do not feel nervous thinking I am talking about them let me be clear I am talking about myself here). However, things could be worse. We usually have been drinking before class and every thing sucks in comparison to alcohol. I think alcohol, more than anything, has colored this class negatively.

With that being said, onto a few other things:

  • I am still graduating, bitches. The drunken debauchery will continue unabated until at least May 14th. Anyone wishing to participate at any juncture should merely contact me at home or in the office. I have to finish my Shakespeare paper (which is taking much longer than it should, and is becoming much too long) and the final but after that it is on like donkey motherfucking kong, bitches, until Sunday. Also, my brothers will be in town on Friday and will attempt to kill me in a typically Irish/Saxon fashion of over indulgence in alcohol. As previously stated anyone wishing to participate...
  • Sometime last summer, I applied to join an government agency that "protects America's interests at home and abroad" as somewhat of a lark. After conducting background checks for the last few months, said agency called me last friday wishing to schedule an interview. I have to call them back.
  • I had fun on Friday drinking and hanging out with Little E and her Husband. We must do this again. However, a certain other graduate student's wierd actions/responses about/during Friday were unexpected. Said grad student is really becoming a drag, and quickly getting closer to my "ignore/avoid at all costs" list.
  • I need to finish Golems of Gotham, and I will shortly Little E, but probably not until Wednesday night. Sorry, but school stuff comes first. We can discuss it on Thursday if you are are still up to helping me pack. I will still buy the booze.

I urge each and everyone of you to Be Cool, Ladies and Gentlemen, because this could quite possibly be the last post from Lost in Space for quite a while. I will be moving back home to my mother's house until I can rennovate my own, and I forsee being disconnected for a short time. Those of you who are cool know who you are, and you will hear from me. Those of you who don't here from me, well...


At 3:14 PM , Blogger Andi said...

I called Lil E friday night around 10 to see if the party was still on, but alas, no one picked up the phone. I was primed for a shot. My kidney is well and I'm back in the game!!! There should be mass consumption of alcohol this weekend before I start the dreaded May mini.

At 4:49 PM , Blogger elise said...


Sorry. I probably didn't hear the phone. I suck. I'll buy you your own bottle of pucker to make up for it.


Yes, yes Friday was a good time. I still think that we should go bowling, however. My bowling skills are much better than the mediocrity that encompasses my pool talents.

I will still be there on Thursday to help you clean. Let me know what time to be there, and the various cleaning supplies I have to bring.

The Golems of Gotham was so, so good. I can't wait for you to finish it.

At 10:58 PM , Blogger Sam said...

That was a beautiful post. Especially the section starting with "...ass whippery" and ending with "...beg to have said Shakespeare course back." Of course, I'm a sucker for a well-turned phrase which includes fucking and whippery and Shakespeare. Bravo. I hope to see you again.

At 12:46 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

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