Sunday, April 30, 2006

Don't ever watch people at MELUS try to dance.

Trust me on this one. It is worse than anything Elaine on Seinfeld could even attempt. That is all.


At 11:18 AM , Blogger elise said...

Seeing as how I don't have the reference point of Elaine on Seinfeld, I need a little more in terms of description.

I have a feeling that this could be a hilarious story, in the way that complete and utter disgust for those certain actions which generate from the generally worthless members of humanity, are funny.

At 10:28 PM , Blogger Andi said...

OH that's so cold. Elaine is stuck in my head now.

At 1:23 AM , Blogger Jeremy said...

I'm just wondering if these people are the same group that you went with. If so, then I can certainly understand.

At 10:27 AM , Blogger Super T said...

None of the MELUS people I am talking about were graduate students although one of the perps was a professor from our distinguished university.


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