Thursday, April 13, 2006

North Carolina Should Be Called the Shit Bird State.

Just got in. Virginia was the shit. I think it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. I see why Robert E. Lee couldn't bear to turn his back on the state, however, they can keep North Carolina. Honestly, who has a 50 mph speed limit on an interstate? I was in near homicidal road rage from the Virginia state line because I missed the Roanoke South 220 exit and went 50 miles in the wrong direction trying to return to the Airport in Greensboro. Everyone kept doing 50 on the highway and I was like "IF I MISS MY FLIGHT I AM FIGHTING THE WHOLE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA!!!!!!" I think I could just go door to door whooping ass. It would have been total carnage. How tough can they be? It is freaking North Carolina.

Lexington was amazing, though. I swear someone built it according to a Normal Rockwell Americana painting. I got in trouble for touching Lee's tomb (the crusaders sword hand) but I also got into trouble for the same thing at Canterbury Cathedral amongst other places, and I had decided before hand that I was willing to accept whatever consequences this might entail. Luckily I was the only KA in the room when I did it because the others were downstairs in the museum. Some 75 year old lady scolded me and said, "If everyone touches the tomb there won't be any tomb for people to see in the future." What the fuck ever. Like I give a shit about other people. I wanted to tell her "Lady, you obviously have NO idea who you are talking to." Besides like they wouldn't build another tomb. It is freaking ROBERT E. LEE and Virginia. Someone could rape an anatomically correct Jesus doll and not get into as much trouble as trashing Lee.

I think the interview went well but I won't know one way or another until next week. I am torn between thinking I did ok, and thinking I fucking just pissed a good job down my leg because I looked at the other four candidates, laughed and thought I could mail it in. Honestly, I think I did alright. They asked me questions from a script, and after the third question I guessed the next four in a row (what is your biggest strength, greatest weakness, most proud accomplishment, and who is the most influential person in your life). Me and my big ego.

However, when I was actually faced with the thought of maybe taking the job (or a better more highly paid job within KA) I was not nearly as excited as I thought I would be. To be honest I am not sure I want it. All I could think was how much I would miss being in the classroom. That and I was like "I will be working as an administrator for the next few years." That is cool for skinny dudes who know how to stand around drinking coffee looking important while telling everyone else to get to work but I am not sure I want to do actually do it. I don't know what I will say if they actually tell me I have the job. Freaking life. Always with the decisions. Sheesh.


At 2:47 AM , Blogger Jeremy said...

Glad you made it back in one piece. I've always wanted to visit National HQ, but I've never been able to. I do hope you get the job--I think it will look good on your CV as well as give you a much-needed break from the monotony of grad school.
And as far as skinny guys standing around drinking coffee and acting important, I can say that it's not all that bad, especially if people like you.
Are you going to the reception for the dept. head tomorrow?

At 10:16 AM , Blogger Super T said...

Yeah, I am what time is it?


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