Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It is a sad day in your life when you realize you are so broke you can no longer afford half priced books.


Anyway, I read Anthem by Ayn Rand, and it was pretty good. I am going to try to use in my English 101 class. I think I have a pretty good idea for a syllabus designed around it and other questions of citizenship, power, and authority. BOO AUTHORITY. Why can't I do what I want when I want?

I also read Sanctuary by Faulkner, and it was awesome. I am going to read more Faulkner when I get my finances caught up. It was confusing at times and I wish I had somebody to discuss it with to make sure I got what I was supposed to be getting. Where is D-Rock when I need him. Oh yeah, Commerce. Bummer.

Money by Martin Amis was really funny, but much like London Fields, I felt flat after reading the book, and had a sneaking suspicion that with a little devotion to his craft it could have been much better, but then again I don't want to sound like I am saying I could write the book better or anything, and sound like stupid people I have had in Graduate courses before. I just think Amis does not always seek to develop characters, plots and story archs as well as he could.

I am currently out of stuff to read so I am going to reread White Teeth by Zadie Smith again, and How the Dead Live by Will Self. Both good books. I have Atlas Shrugged but it is in my office in The Merce so it will have to wait.

Count down to the return to The Merce: 45 days and counting. Who would have thought I would be dying to return to school/teaching? Not this kid.


At 4:56 PM , Blogger elise said...

White Teeth is on my reading list for the summer, though I'm not sure if I'll get to it.

I should be able to read again now that I am only taking one class as opposed to the two I took during Summer I.

I'm currently reading Rosenbaum's Second Hand Smoke. I have mixed feelings about it.


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