Thursday, July 06, 2006

"Neither am I the means to any end others may wish to accomplish. I am not a tool for their use. I am not a servant of their needs. I am not a bandage for their wounds. I am not a sacrifice on their altars."

Anyone know where that quote came from? Some of you should. Those of you who don't, but should, will be shamed forever in my eyes. It is from a great book. I am cooking up a good paper on it and it's connections to a movie.

Anyway, I found a new gig. The other one bombed. I hate it when employers tell you that you will be doing something and then change it once you start the job. It is misleading and should be against the law. They should also be burned at the stake.

I start the new job July 19th, actually I begin orientation the 19th and the gig on the 2nd of August. I also will be relocating to Rockwall or Royse City shortly there after. Anyone know any good apartments in the area? Anyone seeking a roommate? Preferreably a really hot nymphomanic chick with great boobs. Just kidding...unless there are any RHNCWGBs out there, then by all means give me a call.

I also will still be returing to TAMU-Commerce in the fall so I will see most of you around. I miss my homies. I hate being poor. It really cramps my style.

Drink one or ten for me, because you know I would never let you get away with drinking just "one" if we were kicking it.


At 12:34 AM , Blogger Jeremy said...

Sorry, T, but I've never read any Ayn Rand. And based on the amount of reading that I'll be looking at while generating the upcoming thesis, it appears unlikely that I will anytime in the near future.

What are you going to be doing now (work-wise)?

At 6:46 AM , Blogger elise said...

Does that mean that you've been reading Anthem, finally? That makes me want to reread that book now.

The next time I see you (really, T when will this be? Are you really going to wait to make a reappearance until this fall?) remind me that we need to discuss this book.

Good luck with the new job.

I'm assuming that your next literary endeavor will be Atlas Shrugged, right?

At 12:42 PM , Blogger Super T said...

Yes I read Anthem. Atlas Shrugged will have to wait until after I reread Sanctuary by Faulkner.

Seriously, you both need to read that book. It is deceptively easy to read. I am quickly becoming obsessed with it.

As for an appearance: it will be fall most likely. I am beyond broke right now. I don't get my first paycheck from this new gig until August 12th, so I will probably not be around before then.

At 8:40 AM , Blogger Andi said...

Congrats on the new gig. Employers are all deceptive putzes. Much like politicians.


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