Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Why is it when you take a job...

Why is it when you accept a job that everyone starts calling with interviews and job offers? Freaking employers. I got a call from a technical school today wanting me to interview for a job I was a finalist for in early May, but did not get for lack of experience. Seems the more experienced person flaked out and they are seeking a last minute replacement. YAH FOR ME!! Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. Wish me luck.

Just for the record I am working a 2 to 9 schedule and I know most of my crew works during the morning hours, and is off in the afternoons. Do not take it personally if I have not returned your calls. I will be getting in touch. Anyone care if I call after 10?


At 12:47 AM , Blogger Jeremy said...

call me whenever, dude. I'm usually awake. good luck with the interview.

At 8:18 AM , Blogger elise said...

I was wondering what you've been up to lately. How's the job? Obviously, probably not all that great considering you're going to interview elsewhere. Good luck.

Give me a call whenever. If it's late, however, call my cell and not my house.


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