Friday, July 14, 2006

All Hell Breaks Loose...

Well it looks like the Middle East is once again descending into war, and it will likely drag America farther into a Jihad against Islam.

One mistake the Muslims made this time was kidnapping an Israli soldier. Those bad ass Hebrews do not fuck around like America does. If you kill one of their soldiers they want to kill 2000 of your people in response, and they do not heed to the United Nations like America. I have always respected Israel on certain level for their "shoot first, shoot second, shoot last, and when everyone is dead try to ask a few questions" mentality. If nothing else it takes balls to roll tanks into a neighborhood and destroy it because a silly kid throws rocks at a your army. That is what America used to do. You messed with us and we kicked your door in and blew your country to smithereens. Ah, the good old days when America was the super power and total war was still in fashion.

I read today that Hezbollah is trying to smuggle the kidnapped soldiers into Iran or Syria. YEAH, that is a great idea. If that happens all hell will really break loose because it will give America a reason to go to war with Iran under the flag of Israel. GOOD TIMES, GOOD TIMES. I know Khumer (my buddy in the marines) has to be salivating at the chance to get at Iran. He is probably moving toward to border as we speak to help smuggle the Israli soldiers into Damascus or Tehran just for the chance to go after Iran.

If you are not a bit nervous about this whole situation with Israel and Lebanon then you are crazy. This is going to lead to a BIG problem for America if the fighting escalates to include Syria and Iran. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said any Israeli attack against Syria would be an aggression on the whole Islamic world and warned of a harsh reaction. Well, we know by harsh they do not mean "rolling out tanks and fighting in the normal sense of the word" they mean the traditional cowardly muslim "harsh reaction" of "strapping a bomb to your chest and killing innocent civilians, women, and children."

It looks like CRUSADES: THE NEW CHAPTER is around the corner if we are not careful. Hopefully we will fair a little better against the Muslim hordes this time around.


At 1:36 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

"Durka, durka . . . muhammed jihad."
----Team America

At 2:04 PM , Blogger Super T said...

Awesome Team America reference.


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