Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Heart Broken...

Let's just start by saying I got a new job. Pays relatively well with a chance to make a lot more money down the road if I am good at it, and I guess that is all you can hope for. The only down side is it is five days a week 10-7:30 p.m. and Saturday's from 10-2ish. At least it will pay the bills until I get back to TA-ing in the fall. I hate to admit this but all I have been thinking for the last few weeks is I miss teaching and grad school. Yep, thats right, I am a nerd. I finished Lolita, and I am about half way through Money by Martin Amis. Both are Fabolous.

As for the Mavs...Let's just say I am devastated and leave it at that. I think we were screwed by the refs and the NBA and I would be a lot less hurt if I thought the better team won, and not that the better team was screwed. My brother brought up a good point: My beloved Horns won the National Championship this year, and if the Mavs had won too I would have used up all my good fortune for the rest of my life.

Touche, Honky.

As my brother said: if I had to choose one to win the championship which would I choose? The Horns hands down. I guess having two of my four favorite teams (Mavs, Horns, Boys, and Rangers) win the championship in the same year would have be extremely lucky. However, training camp is only like a month a way and we have TO leading us to the Super Bowl followed by him causing Bill Parcell's premature death the year after that to look forward to and the Mavs have to be the favorite in the West until Stoudamire is proven healthy next year. I still feel like I don't want to talk about it, and I think the Mavs-Heat series can be filed under the "let us never speak of this again" tag.



At 10:09 PM , Blogger elise said...

I called you the other day.

Congrats on the job. Just remember that it's only temporary.

Where will you be working?

At 10:56 AM , Blogger Jeremy said...

You've only got a month or two until you rejoin the madness here, so maybe you should try to enjoy a few moments not dominated by academic problems.

But then again, having a real job sucks.

At 11:57 AM , Blogger Andi said...

Congrats on the job! Everyone needs a way to fund alcohol consumption.


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