Thursday, April 06, 2006

I "mastered" the defense

Well one hoop jumped through just a few more to go before graduating. I successfully defended my thesis yesterday, and contrary to certain reports I did MUCH better than the other graduate student who defended on Monday. After her defense their was some sentiment from senior faculty that she shouldn't pass because of lack of critical evidence. However, I flew through with flying colors. Plus I did not get any "whiffle ball" questions as a member of her committee stated that she did. Certain professors were out for blood at my defense but I gave as good as I got. Now onto the revisions and the grad school hoopla.

There has been an ongoing debate as to the cruelness of certain comments made about a certain member of one of our graduate courses. Here is my take (although I am sure I have already made this clear in other comments): He is a two bit plagiarist who steals other's ideas. As if that is not enough he also wears spiderman shirts. This guy should be getting torn to shreds from all sides. Honestly, what 25 year old man wears novelty t shirts? When you wear those type of shirts you are begging for one of two things: 1) To be taken to the bathroom and given a swirly or at the very least given a giant wedgy 2) To be mocked and scorned like the comic book man on the Simpsons. Both of which are acceptable punishments for his immature lack of judgment.

Other's have also made reference to the she male in our class and I am intrigued. I am intrigued because I am not sure who people are referring too. I have an idea but there are a couple of people in that class I might refer to as "she males" for different reasons. While I am not sure I can produce venom for these ladies I would like to be let in on who you are referring too.

***********************UPDATE 2:43 P.M.*******************************

I now know who the she male is in our class. While I do acknowledge her condecension toward certain members of this class, I have never been the focus of said condecension, I do not have the venom for her that everyone else seems to share. To modify a quote by Bill the Butcher "She is neither cold nor hot. So because she is lukewarm, I feel no need to spew venom at her from my mouth." However, next class if I notice condecension I will then begin the "Destroy the She Male campaign."


At 10:32 AM , Blogger elise said...


Read my blog, as I've just given a rather amusing, though fairly accurate depiction of the class.

At 10:33 AM , Blogger elise said...

By the way, congrats on the thesis. I would've told you that in person, but I only saw you briefly last night.


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