Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Blogging Fad

I do believe the blogging fad has passed. Well, at least in our little circle it seems to have passed. Neither myself, or my hommies (aside from A-Train) seem to have to energy to blog any longer. However, I am willing to bet that business will pick up in a few weeks when everyone starts having homework to do, and are looking for a necessary diversion to keep from working. Ah, chronic procrastination how I pine for you. Anyway here are a few things that are irritating me lately.
  • The Wrap. This is the section of English 1302 I teach at a local technical school. Instead of having a normal class schedule I am teaching a class that has an extra day of class added. For example instead of teaching a normal schedule of say Thursday/Friday 6-8 I teach a schedule of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8-10 and 9-10 pm. That extra day of commuting/teaching is a killer.
  • Inane class discussions that seemingly never end and have no clear focus or point. This used be a rare occurance but it has been creeping into my graduate courses more and more often. This makes the classes seem like they last for nine hours, and I hate when we read a ton of theory in class but make no attempt to apply it a reading/readings. I see no point in reading theory without learning to apply it.
  • ECollege. I hate ECollege. My university will not schedule a training schedule that will fit into my schedule. Add this to the fact that ECollege sucks ass anyway and I am pretty bitter about having to put up with this bull shite. I did create a blog for my class and I am having students log and post a la 506. It is going pretty well so far especially considering that it is English 102 students posting.
  • Cancer. I think if I went the rest of my life without hearing that word it would be fine with me.
  • Social Security. I got a letter today stating that I have paid like 2000 dollars into social security which is news to me. I don't remember having a job in which I paid social security. I have always paid into a 401k or a pension plan. I really need to find a job and start planning for my retirement. I find it hard to consider living to 65. I would only be the second man in my family to live that long. Let's just say the men in my family live a hard life, and that drinking, gambling, etc. is not conducive to a long life.
  • Poop. I really have no problem with Poop. I just wanted to add the word "Poop" to my blog. Poop. Say it with me...POOP.



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