Thursday, July 27, 2006

Football Time in Texas...

that's right boys and girls: it has reached that time of year once again. I wish I could upload the Texas fight song to play over and over when you visit my page. To the left is legendary KA and noted Texas Longhorn, Tommy Nobis. I figured he epitomized football better than probably anyone. He is somewhat of a hero of mine.

To say I am over joyed that football is starting up again is an understatement to say the least. My beloved Longhorns are gearing up to defend their national title, and despite having two freshman at QB, are looking pretty tough. I think we may have a banner year in football in the state of Texas.

I have to admit even my second favorite college team, the Red Raiders, are looking pretty tough this year with a defense that is going to be fast and experienced, and Texas School Boy legend Graham Harrell suiting up at QB. He threw 7 touchdowns in a game five times in high school, and three of those times were in the playoffs against top caliber teams. (Hey, I have to give them a shout out. They offered a scholarship in football when UT wouldn't even give me a whiff.) Mark my words: Texas Tech will be the surprise team in the Big 12 this year, and could even wind up representing the South Division in the Big 12 championship game.

I have to admit that Red Raider team makes me a lot more nervous as a UT fan than Oklahoma (Rhett Bomar has a drinking problem. If you don't believe me look at his arrest record the past year. Thank god he went to OU to drink himself to death.) We have to venture into the bowels of Jones SBC stadium to play them, and they are always tough at home. Add to the fact that Harrell will flourish in Coach Leach's system because he is a smart, athletic, and accurate QB, and the fact that UT will be starting a true Freshman at QB, and this could be a recipe for disaster. I believe Jevan Snead will ultimately beat out Colt McCoy because he has an arm that one scout described as containing "Favre like strength and accuracy." Let's just hope he was not alluding to Favre's penchant for throwing 30 ints a year.

I was a little bummed that Ramonce Taylor decided to transfer from UT because he has Reggie Bush type speed and play making ability but has not yet been able to put it all together. However, we still have Jamaal Charles who will be a stud and the Galloping Giant, Henry Melton. He is kindly listed at 6'4 and 275 but I would be willing to bet he tips the scales at a bit closer to 3 bucks. He still runs well for a big man.

We also will have an outstanding defense led by the Griffin Brothers, and coordinated by Gene Chizik. I was shocked he did not even get an interview for the Colorado gig, or some other national level coaching opportunity. He has single handily changed the mindset of the Horns defense, and added a level of intensity missing in previous years. Rashad Bobino will be a break out player for Texas and we will have the best group of DEs in the nation with Tim Crowder, Brain Robison, and Brian Orakpo backing them up. It is also rumored that Orakpo could win the spot opposite Crowder. Texas coaches constantly rave about his athleticism.

Ultimately, however, I am not holding any illusions of defending our national championship this year. You simply can't win a national championship with a true freshman at QB. I think that this team will be good, and that this will be a "reloading" not rebuilding year, and we will probably have another 10-2 (with losses at Tech and home against Ohio State) season and head to the Cotton Bowl or Holiday Bowl or some shit.

No matter what though we can always count on beating those freaking Aggies. That will make the 10-2 record a bit easier to take.


Hook'em Horns. I'm out.


At 7:06 PM , Blogger Andi said...

I know I always hope for fast and experienced.

At 11:38 AM , Blogger Jeremy said...

Fuck UT. While I admit rooting for them in the national championship game, this season everything is back to normal, and I wish nothing but failure on their program.

Gig 'em.


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