Thursday, May 25, 2006


My dad just happened to have a window unit laying around that he forgot to mention. I have been complaining about dying a slow death at the hands of the heat at my mothers house and two weeks later he decides to casually mention this phantom A/C unit. Good Times, Good Times.

Operation Job Search is not going according to schedule. After the miraculous start of 3 for 3 I have yet to hear from the many companies to which I have submitted resumes. After briefly accepting one of the three job offers I realized why they were so quick to throw an offer my way: The Jobs are Terrible. I think the main problem is I submit a resume and expect to get hired the next day. I don't like waiting around. It is kind of disheartening.

I did have the strangest interview ever yesterday. The interview consisted of inviting 14 candidates to give 1 minute presentations on themselves, and then having them call a voice mail system and try to "sell" the staff on coming to the university I applied to. Strange. I hope I did well. I really want this job. It took much longer to drive to Coit Road from Fort Worth than it did to actually complete the interview.

Mavs lost 121-118 and I don't want to talk about it.


At 3:51 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

I would concur on the mavs game. What an asswhip.

At 11:17 AM , Blogger Andi said...

Good luck on the job you want. Own it!

And the Mavs won last night. Chins up again, fellas.


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