Saturday, May 13, 2006

I am never drinking again. EVER. Unless some one wants to celebrate tonight. However, I am struggling right now. I hope no one wanted the left over Malibu Rum because I drank it at the pool yesterday. The fiancee is also giving me the evil eye because I am a bit...drunk I guess is the word, and she is all gung ho about packing. It is strait up 11 o'clock in the morning...still smashed.

I guess I should be packing and not blogging but what are you going to do.

******* Addendum*******
I think I gave myself stomach, liver, and/or brain damage during my little binge. I have felt a bit "off" since the week long binge of alcoholic debauchery, and have since forsworn alcohol much to my brother's chagrin. However, I went on three job interviews today and received three job offers. Two car dealerships and one insurance company as a claims writer/underwriter. Not exactly sure what that means but hey it pays. I am thinking of taking one of the said jobs while applying to several high school teaching gigs and using the first job to pay the bills until beginning the teaching gig in August. One of the things Schools do not tell you is that you do not get paid until September 28th or October 1st. What a bummer. That would be four months with NO pay for those of you counting. (Yes, Four: June, July, August, September). So much for my dreams of living high on the hog during the summer on my fabulous teaching salary...


At 5:01 PM , Blogger elise said...

You know, I've decided to lay off th alcohol also.

Well, let me qualify that statement: I'm trying to refrain from getting drunk and shitty, not necessarily drinking in general--a couple of drinks never hurts.

Which of the three jobs do you think you will take?

You never called me back the other steam cleaner is still in your possession, right?

Maybe me, you, and the spouses (or soon to be spouse) can get together sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Have you finished the Rosenbaum book yet?

At 1:28 AM , Blogger Andi said...

I've switched from alcohol to pills and promiscuous sex. Not really, but it sounded good for a few minutes.

Congrats on the multi job offers.


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