Monday, April 10, 2006

Something to Celebrate

Well I turned the thesis into the graduate office today. I feel a sense of relief that I know will turn into a swift kick to crotchal area once I get the suggestions for revision back from the graduate school. Until then I am going to assume (I know what happens when people assume so stick the crappy joke in your ass) that everything is going to be A-okay.

My thesis advisor dragged his feet over the conclusion a little too much for my taste but then again he is a tad more anal than I am. I was like "I don't fucking care if it is gibberish just sign the fucking form, Anally Analston!" Geesh, and if that wasn't bad enough another professor would not sign the damn form on Friday because he wanted "to know I spent the weekend working on it."

If by "spent the weekend working on it" he meant "spend all day Thursday, part of Friday working on it, and then spend Saturday riding around in my dad's bad ass 49 Ford Coupe before going to the White Elephant Saloon, and getting smashed and watching a KA brother sing Texas Country songs while dancing with my fiancee" then mission accomplished.

Anyhow, he assured me that he would sign the form "first thing Monday morning." The note on his door this morning said "Dr. Liarson will not be in the office today, April 10, 2006." Prick. However the grad school didn't really give me any shit about it but told me to make sure he came by and signed the signature form when he returned to campus.

Tomorrow I am off to scenic Lexington, VA to interview for the KA job. I don't know how but in the last week and a half this went from "come up to Lexington to sign a few forms, and work out the details" to "come up to Lexington and interview for the position." Kind of makes me nervous. I felt much better about this right after Province Council.

However, my dad was cool as shit this weekend. I thought he had been mad at me over a shortfall of fundage on my part here recently, but that was quite to the contrary. He was actually just working his ass off trying to get his car running. He told me not to look for a "serious job" but to look for a job adjuncting in the mornings so I can make enough to pay my bills, and have little spending money. He said "I want you to have enough free time in the next year to restore your Harley. He actually said your, as in "T this is your bad ass motherfucking 70 model Sportster now. " He wants to have it running for Sturgis 2007 so that he and I can travel to Sturgis together as a father/son trip as part of my graduation present. I would have to postpone the graduate studies for a year but I could start a Ph.d program the next fall, still be on track, and have a bad ass bike. That's right...My fucking dad whips your dad's ass.

Now if I can only figure out a way to convince my fiancee that this is a REALLY good idea.

Anyway I have to get ready for bed. My flight leaves at 8:30 in the AM which means I have to leave The Merce by 5:30 a.m. or so. What a fucking Ass Whip. One good thing: I am terrified of flying and this pretty much guarantees my sleeping all the way through the flight. Hopefully I don't pull a Ross, sleep all the way to West Virginia, and wake up in a scene from Deliverance. I am going to Virginia after all. Pray for me...


At 9:26 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

Good luck, T. I hope I can make it in time to cover your classes, but if not, I'll just put a note on the door.
Okay, so I'm kidding. And dump those other two bastards off somewhere between the airport and Lexington, as that should significantly improve your chances.
Have a safe trip.

At 9:32 PM , Blogger elise said...

Glad you got the thesis over and done with for now. Good luck on your interview, though I'm sorry that you won't be in class tomorrow night to watch me put the moves on Spidey.

Perhaps I'll postpone it until next week.


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