Thursday, January 18, 2007

My homoerotic love of Surveys apparently knows no bounds. A Train published this survey, and since I enjoy surveys so much I am reposting it. I think the reason I love surveys is that it gives me a chance to talk about my favorite Oh well, don't act your so enlightened and I am such a philistine because I know you all like to talk about yourself just as much. I am merely honest about my selfishness.

Three screen names that you’ve had: Firestarter88, Zewell Cool (which I love and still use), and Lufton Pittman (If anybody can tell me what movie I lifted that screenname from I will buy them lunch. Here's a hint: the movie has nothing to do with computers, and the name was a alias of the lead singer of one of my favorite bands who had a small supporting role in the movie.)

Three things you like about yourself: My will to violence, my good taste in beer, my extreme loyalty to friends.

Three things you don’t like about yourself: My ever growing belly, My lack of empathy of toward other people, and my inability to forgive friends when their loyalty or friendship doesn't measure up to what I believe it should be.

Three parts of your heritage: Anglo, Saxon, Irish.

Three things that scare you: Nuclear Weapons detonated near me, snakes, being lost.

Three things you are wearing right now: A blue shirt, black slacks, and blue, and grey striped tie.

Three of your favorite songs: "Wichita Falls" Houston Marchman, "Mississippi Mud" Hank Williams III, "Down the River" Chris Knight

Three things you want in a relationship: Uninhibited sex, intelligence, and fun.

Three things you can’t live without: Crys, my new puppy Lilly (quite possibly the best and cutest dog EVER), music.

Three places you want to go on vacation: Scandanavia, The Orient, Amsterdam again.

Three things you just can’t do: Clean very well, Write in a scholarly tone ( I JUST WANT TO WRITE THE WAY I WRITE DAMMIT), control my contempt for most people outside my circle of kindred.

Three things you want to do before you die: Discover the secret of immortality before I get too old, write a novel, and get a tatoo of a gamecock (fighting rooster) on my forearm with the words El Gallo Del Cielo (The Rooster from Heaven.)

Three celeb crushes: Sheryl Crow, Scarlett Johannsen, Gwen Stefani.

Three of your favorite musicians: Chris Knight, Charlie Robison, Robert Earl Keen.

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you: A nice set of breasts, a really good nature, and girls who are cool or comfortable with their sexuality.

Three of your favorite hobbies: Playing Sports which I never get to do anymore, Reading, Video Games.

Three things you really want to do badly right now: Cancel my classes, Eat breakfast, and go see Crystal.

Three careers you’re considering/you’ve considered: Sailor (I always wanted to be an explorer as a kid), Lawyer (it always looks attractive on TV), a professional football player.

Three ways that you are stereotypically a boy: I have a penis, I am agressive, and I am told that I view women as playthings or objects.

Three ways that you are stereotypically a girl: I don't take criticism well, I show a great sense of empathy towards movies, music and books (but show a surprising lack of empathy toward other people), and I love clothes, and although I can't afford to dress well, I am very conscious of fashion.

Well there you have it goddamn it, the fundamentals of T--to quasi quote D 12.

For the record: Everyone should check out TV on the Radio. The seem to be pretty awesome.


At 3:19 AM , Blogger Mr Anderson said...

lufton pittman = Point Break


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