Thursday, April 05, 2007

A work of heart breaking ass whippery, and staggering butt puckering...

Yon bitch fest has returned. I am tired of school. More to the point...I tired of this school. I am ready for Indiana and Purdue. HURRY UP AUGUST!!! DAMN YOU!!! WHY DO YOU TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS!!! By the way, I "appropriated" the title of this work from Dave Eggers. He seems to be an asshole so I don't feel too terribly tore up about it. Actually, I don't know anything about the man, however, he is an author, and good one at that, so I am going to assume he is a pretentious asshole, and leave it that.

However, I recently heard that my favorite author, Cormac McCarthy, had his most recent book, The Road, chosen as the next book in Oprah's Book Club. I have also heard that he will be a guest and conduct his first ever Television interview. Congrats to Oprah for getting the greatest author of his generation a bit of needed attention. McCarthy has to be the most under the radar literary genius of all time. I am interested to see what he has to say, and really just to hear him speak. I don't think he is anything like the characters in his works. I think he is going to be a soft spoken Rhode Island Catholic who simply has a very good understanding of good and evil, and of masculinity. I am hoping he appears on Oprah after I have moved to Indiana. Purdue is only three hours from Chicago. I will make the trip just to get a look at him and maybe get a book signed. It would be awesome!


At 2:17 PM , Blogger Estella said...

Yep, I was pretty proud of the Ope for choosing The Road. Very proud indeed.

And I'm ready to get the fuck out of Dodge, too. It can't come soon enough.



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