Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Friend Sent Me This...

This was entitled "The Three Stages of a Man's Life." It cracked me up for some reason.

Before Marriage

Something about seeing a Lion mash just cracks me up. I guess it is the 14 year old Beavis in me. Notice the look of dominance and exuberance on the Lion's face. He is master of his domain. "THATS RIGHT, SON! BEAT THEM CAKES!" This is the lion showing her his "Oh Face."

After the Marriage

Notice here the lack of dominance and exuberance. In fact, he seems to be totally bewildered. I would call this the "I am sorry, baby. I was not aware that staying out until 4 am drinking with Buddies, and attempting to mug down with random girls, like I did when I was 21 was such a bad decision. I promise it won't ever happen again...or at least you will never find about it" face. This is when the man realizes that your life as you know it is pretty much over, and that the woman you married is not nearly as cool as you remember.

After the Divorce

This is pretty much self explanatory, but let me explicate a bit. To be honest I think this is just a stage. Although, from the pic it looks to be a pretty permanent condition. I am sure D-I-V-O-R-C-E as Tammy Wynette put it would pretty much be an ass whip for the male for quite a while. I do know, however, that you cannot keep a good man down. I think most males would be back to the before marriage "Oh Face" before you know it. I think most men have a very high resiliency rate.


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