Monday, December 11, 2006

So about this beer I am fixing to go drink with a Paper and an Annotated Bibliography to write...

So I am guess I am fixing to go drink this beer...again. I think I am definitely operating within the realm of "functioning alcoholism." I know I need to write but yet I am like, "so about this alleged beer..." I blame this all on J. He is the root of my alcoholism. I had all but quit drinking before that fateful night before a quasi academic get together in Paris when he casually mentioned that, "a few of us are meeting at Molina's for a dinner and few drinks before said quasi academic meeting." Yeah, if by dinner you mean "Dinner" as in "I had 9 pitchers of beer for dinner" or "Food? No thank you, sir. I prefer to drink my dinner." 8 hours and 59 drinks later I had officially reentered the world of binge drinking.

While I do enjoy drinking more than any other past time other than sex, I do wish I could simply "have a few drinks." However, as a certain super prof so eloquently pointed out the other night, "with this group there is no such thing as "casual drinking." I do not have the ability to drink a beer and then stop. It is not that I am a raging alcoholic. It is that when ever our little crew starts drinking it always seems to lead to a blow out type party. Regardless of what you may think, these types of parties are ALWAYS fun. So when we start drinking I always have fun and thus the inability to say, "No, I do not wish to partake in your alcohol induced revelry." I mean if you don't like to party then, honestly, you need to get the hell off the Earth.

I originally started writing this post yesterday, and picked it up today after I went out and drank like 25 beers. NOT A GOOD IDEA. I feel like total arse today and I was very much unproductive. Not a good time. I am going to have to really hunker down tomorrow to get both of my papers done. I will get them done, but the fact that I put them off constantly to have a good time is problematic. I think I am going to have to set down over the break and reflect on my habits. Some of them may be impeding my ability to have a healthy career.


At 11:38 PM , Blogger Andi said...

We really should drink during time off and not be functional alcoholics. However, we never REALLY have time off, so I blame the career, not us.

At 11:57 PM , Blogger elise said...

The thing is, we all consider drinking a favorite past time and we enjoy it.

I love getting hammered. However, it always seems like the asswhip of this thing called responsibility--homework, grading, curfews, etc.--gets in the way.

Honestly, I think in some weird way or another, we are all somewhat crazy and a bit off center. Hence we drink to medicate and deal with these various issues, because drinking is a damn good time.


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