Thursday, May 04, 2006

Lists, Lists everywhere, but not a single one to read...

I have not started on my Shakespeare paper. Nor will I. I will not stay up late to write it, nor will I say repeatedly I am going to get started, or make excuses when I do not. I am simply not going to start it until Monday. I am going to drink beer tonight, tomorrow night, and possibly Saturday sometime if I can con the fiancee into it some how. Texas Ranger baseball on Saturday anyone? J, I am looking directly at you on this one. My ol' lady is crafty though when it comes to thwarting my alcoholic aspirations. However, my will to drink right now is so sharp it could cut glass. That's right bitches my alcoholism knows no bounds. I do have to pack/clean my apartment sometime before next Saturday. Not happening this week/weekend though.

More Random Shit about Me:

  • I once hit someone so hard it split them open so badly they had to have the wound stitched in three layers from the inside out totaling 37 stitches. He also nearly lost his right eye. One Punch. Luckily, he hit me with a police issue flip stick first, and that made my retaliation self defense. The guy that used to instruct me at boxing once told me that, "I have legitimate heavy weight knockout power and that I should never hit anyone without a boxing glove because it could possibly kill them." That guy I hit at Cowtown USA could attest to that.
  • I love the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I am currently listening to their new song Dani California. I firmly believe they are the most underrated rock band of all time. They are one of the few bands that has a sound all their own. I admire that. They also have never had a bad album (not even when Navarro joined the band). Said Navarro album was not "authentic Chili Pepper Music" but it was far from bad. I am glad Frusciante got cleaned up and rejoined the band, however, and this is not knock on Navarro, because I think he is a talented musician, but I think Frusciante makes the Chili Peppers sound like they should. It would have been very sad if John had died from an OD. I also think that any member of that band would be fun to just kick it with. Kiedis was fab in Point Break.
  • Speaking of which, Point Break is a vastly underrated 90's action movie. It is also the last good movie that Patrick Swayze starred in. I know that Patrick Swayze and "good movie" don't usually go together but he was in some good movies such as Road House, Next of Kin, and Donnie Darko. Note: I refuse to acknowledge Dirty Dancing as good movie so don't even try it.
  • You have to visit the "Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog" link to the right, and read the pick up lines translated into old english. My favorite one: "Art thou a disastrous poll tax? Bycause I feele a risynge comynge on." Fabulous.
  • Little E and I need to begin construction/completion of our literary blog.
  • I don't want to have to find a job outside of academia. I also have serious doubts that I could function outside of academia because I have become so spoiled by the atmosphere of graduate school.
  • I love baths. I take one everyday. A hot tub will be one of the first purchases I make once I get a real job. I also read in the bath tub quite a bit, and I wish I had one of those really deep tubs that was not connected to the wall so I could buy one of those reading trays that span from one side of the bath tub to the other. Anyone considering a smart ass remark about my love of reading/bath trays should reread the first post of this list.

I will now go drink 10-20 beers and not think about papers/work. If only I combine my drinking aspirations with fishing I would be in heaven.


At 3:11 AM , Blogger elise said...

I like the Chili Peppers as well, though I just noticed today that the CD "Blood. Sugar. Sex. Magic." is missing from my collection. I hate misplacing CD's.

At 4:23 AM , Blogger Super T said...

Funk is the word, Princess Bethany. Jane's Addiction and RHCP are awesome bands but you cannot substitute one for the other. That is what seperates the RHCP from other bands. They have the Flea inspired funk/jazz sound that seperates them from everyone else. I have seen Funky Monks and let us not forget how much of a musical genius Flea is. Not everyone is a classically trained jazz trumpeter that people think will be the next Dizzy Gilspie.

At 3:40 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

Calgon . . . take me away.

What a pansy.

When's the game on Saturday?

At 4:45 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

By the way, I saw the Chaucer pickup lines the other day in class.
Pretty funny in a really nerdy English kind of way.


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