Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dilemma, Dilemma, Dilemma.

I have recently developed a problem I have never had before. It is this: I don't really have anything to do. I have done the research for my final papers and I they both are more than half way written. I am also working on my conference paper for MELUS next week but that is mostly done also. So until I take up research papers tomorrow in my English 102 course I am just kind of "sitting pretty." Everyone is crapping their pants because of all the work they have to do and all I can say is :)~~~~~~.

The main concern I have now is securing fundage for my trip to Boca Raton. For I am much like the little man in this pic. I have no money to my name at the moment. I gave my fiancee $200 bucks to hold for this trip and I should get $50 from STD in travel funds before we leave on wednesday. Hopefully that will be enough money to pay my portion of the hotel room, and still mange to find a way to get retarded on the beach. I am looking forward to this little trip but I wish I had planned a bit better so I would have more money to party on. Oh well. It is not like I lead a fabolous life where I can party on an unlimited budget. $800 bucks a month does not lead to a lavish lifestyle when you have a car payment and credit card debt.

I am also beginning to worry a bit on the ol' job front. I have not been contacted yet with the offer I thought to be a forgone conclusion. The longer the time with no offer does not bode well for me. It seems that before they were sure that I should get the job but now some sort of situation has arisen to make them reconsider. It is weird because a month ago it was such a sure thing but now it is so up in the air. I am going to start applying for jobs adjuncting that are just now coming open. Hopefully I will land something.


At 2:26 PM , Blogger elise said...

It must be a nice feeling to be sitting pretty. As of right now, I'm sitting here with a rum and coke in hopes of easing some tension created by all the school work we have to do.

I have been quite productive today, however.

At 10:50 PM , Blogger Andi said...

I've been relatively productive. As productive as I can be hopped up on snot drugs. Yay. Enjoy your pretty sitting, and drink something cheap on the beach for me in Boca.


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