Friday, April 28, 2006

"Hope you found some people to party with." - Little E

Not a fucking chance. I am stuck in Boca Raton with the mom squad. What a freaking drag my fellow graduates turned out to be. Last night we went to a college bar named O'Connell's which was pretty cool except for one fact: I was the only one of our group drinking/having fun. I also had to hear everytime I chatted with a girl, "Don't forget you have a fiancee." Do you even realize how insulting/irritating that is? On a scale of 1 to 10 it is a 9,000,000,000.

It is really that bad. It is insulting on two levels because first, I have no intention of cheating, and I am merely trying to meet people. It just happened to be a group of like nine girls standing next to us last night, and that was who I was chatting with. Secondly, Shut the fuck up because it is really none of your business what I do. I don't know any of the people I am here with well enough to let them advise me as to how to conduct myself while on vacation. Most of all, I am NEVER interested in a freaking lecture/sermon. Why do people feel the need to tell you that you can "have fun without alcohol" or "we don't have to go to a bar to have fun." I know this but usually all the fun people are at the bar. I want to kick it with fun people, not people who sit around and stare at people because they don't understand how drinking, and flirting could be a lot of fun. Not that I was flirting mind you...

I think I am going to brave the scene on my own tonight. Nothing like galavanting around town by yourself to make you find some drinking buddies. At least that way I won't have to worry about baby sitting, or someone thinking they need to baby sit me. It is a sad state of affairs my friend when the funnest person you are on vacation with is a cat that drinks one beer and feels "wasted" (Those are his own words by the way. No really, I couldn't make that shit up....stop looking at me like that I am not lying. Really, one twelve ounce draft and he said he was "wasted." Tragic. For me anyway.) I am fucking kicking a certain friend in the vag when I get home. This is all her fault.

Well I ditched the conference after lunch today, and I am fixing to have to head back and drink a few six dollar beers by the pool before getting dressed to got out on the town. Oh, speaking of the pool that reminds me...I saw some lesbians skinny dipping in our pool last night about 1:30 am. Just for the record these are NOT the lesbians one imagines when fantasizing about lesbians. Forget every lesbian porno you have seen. These were burly trucker lesbians. Well one of them was; she looked like Chewbacca. She was about six feet tall and had the most terrible body I believe I have ever seen. The other looked like Gollum. Yeah imagine that. What a beautiful site their love making must be. Anyway, I just thought I would share the trauma with you all so I won't have nightmares tonight.

Warning Book Talk Follows. Do not read if you are afraid of having another book to read.

Everyone HAS to read The Golems of Gotham by Thane Rosenbaum. I know I recommend books a lot but I have been reading this one off and on while on the plane and here in Boca. It is a fabulous book. I cannot tell you how well it is written. Rosenbaum is magic with words. I am not even remotely exaggerating. Fabulous.


At 3:37 PM , Blogger Andi said...

You crack me up. I shot cranberry juice out my nose.

At 4:38 PM , Blogger elise said...


I feel so badly for you. Seriously, what a drag to be out of town and have no one to go to bars and have a good time with. And what an asswhip to have to listen to the "I've had 1 beer and I'm wasted" kind of talk--what a fucking douchebag.

By the way, I'm blaming you for my recent lack of being able to write because I started reading The Dying Animal, and have had to force myself to put it down to get work done.

So far, I fucking love it. I'll probably finish it this weekend and I'm thinking a discussion over a few beers will be in order for next week. Sound good?

Oh and by the way, I ordered The Golems of Gotham and Elijah Visible. After listening to you read that passage about the bullet and his own suicide, I knew I was going to have to read it.

And here's something I don't do often: I'm going to grant you some ego-stroking in that the books you've recommended to me thus far, are fucking awesome. You're the shit.

Seriously dude, try to have fun.

At 4:52 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

T- There is nothing I like better than being preached at regarding obligations. For some people flirting and drinking represent a good time and nothing more; for others, it's a path to debauchery and sin. I would be ready to fucking kill myself if I were you. Despite all of the shit talking you did about the expedition to Little Rock, I can assure you that we had a hell of a lot more fun than you seem to be having.

The moral of the story?

It's not where you go, but who you go with that makes the fucking difference.


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