Thursday, April 27, 2006

Coming to you live from scenic Boca Raton, Florida...

Well I made it to Boca alive, and well. Last night we kind of got in late, so K and I spent the night swimming in the pool. Let me go on record as saying they have WAY too much chlorine in that pool, but MAN, IS THE POOL AREA FUCKING FABULOUS! I could not con K into having a few drinks, but that is what I get for trying to party with a Church of Christ Minister. However, the conference starts today, and I am sitting at FAU finishing my conference paper, blogging, and checking emails. A two mile trek in 90 degree weather with 100% humidity is a fucking fantastic way to begin the day.

This afternoon I have a reception to meet other people at the conference so hopefully I can find the other two "drunk motherfuckers" here to party. I miss my other two wisemen. I haven't been to the beach yet but it is a situation I intend to rectify tomorrow morning. I think I may try to find the "local college hot spot" tonight and see if I can find some people to party with if the MELUS folk. A quick aside on the whole MELUS CONFEFERNCE BEING A GREAT CONFERENCE MYTH: I am having a bit of trouble finding a panel that I can even lie about attending much less actually sit through. This makes me more than a bit nervous about finding two "drunk motherfuckers" to party with. If not I will just lurk around college bars until I find someone to party with. What would be awesome is if we had a KA house around here. I would show up there. Anyway, tomorrow the beach. I think I will just go and post up. I mean the pictures look ab fab so I think going it alone with a six pack would be acceptable if nothing else.

Anyway, more tomorrow from scenic Boca Raton, Florida.

PS: One interesting note. While this is a multi-ethnic literature conference I have not seen one minority outside of Cubans here. It is a bit disconcerting after coming from the melting pot o' Commerce. An African American gentlemen sitting behind me at the computer lab is the onlyh minority I have seen. However, he is talking about "getting the fuck back to Miami" as quickly as possible. He says they have "no brothers here" and he is not "feeling the flava of FAU." He says he will have to "teach these cats some basketball if he attends here." He also does not feel that he is "up to that yo." The reason I am able to so easily over hear his conversation is because he is "TALKING AT FUCKING MAXIMUM VOLUME ON A CELL PHONE IS A FUCKING QUIET AREA." Fucking dick.


At 8:51 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

As one of the official wisemen (in case you're wondering, I was the one that brought the frankincense), I sincerely regret that I am not able to add to the absolute insanity that we could inflict on the area.

And for a multi-ethnic conference, it seems a bit odd that it's inundated with "Whitey." Be cool and come back HIV-free. Peace.
Fraternally, J.

At 11:04 PM , Blogger elise said...

The other wiseman would also much rather be in Boca Raton.

Hope you found some people to party with.


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